The Free Stuff

Leadership + Business Tools & Worksheets

Over the years, we have created many leadership + business tools & resources. To help as many people as possible, we have made some of them available for FREE.

Corporate Training

The global business landscape is increasingly becoming more interconnected and fiercely competitive. In order to achieve a competitive advantage and thrive in their professional endeavours, executives must possess the capacity to think, act, and respond with a global outlook. Professionals must possess the capability to proficiently oversee teams comprising individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds in order to harness the advantages offered by diversity and foster creativity and innovation.

Contemporary organisations face a multitude of challenges across various domains, encompassing leadership, change management, talent retention, risk management, and adherence to corporate ethical norms. Our corporate education programs have the potential to support executives in addressing these challenges by equipping them with the latest executive and soft skills, including entrepreneurship, which may ultimately enhance both their professional and personal life.

Information Academy has assembled a commendable faculty comprising a heterogeneous cohort of accomplished professionals in the business realm, prominent figures in many industries, and innovative intellectuals. Each member of our team exhibits a high level of competence in their respective fields, complemented by practical experience and hands-on involvement in consulting with prominent organisations across many industries. By engaging in introspection on forward-thinking business and people management strategies, individuals can cultivate the self-assurance required to make a significant difference in their work environment.

Our institution offers a comprehensive range of over many open-enrollment and individualised programmes in various crucial domains such as leadership and management practise, business and professional development, entrepreneurship and business innovation, marketing and brand management, accounting and finance, corporate governance, hospitality and tourism, and executive grooming. These programmes encompass a broad array of subjects. Engaging in our Corporate Education programmes offers individuals the opportunity to enhance their influence within their respective organisations, irrespective of their current stage in their professional development. This assertion holds true irrespective of the particular stage one finds oneself in presently.

Adult Learning Theory

Adults exhibit distinct traits that contribute to a learning process that diverges significantly from that of youngsters. The maintenance of adult learners’ interest in workshops and trainings can be achieved by considering these aspects during the design and delivery process. Adult individuals possess a heightened level of consciousness regarding the imperative to assume accountability for their personal life and the decisions they undertake. Consequently, it becomes imperative for them to exert authority over their educational endeavours. Consequently, it is imperative to partake in self-assessment, foster a collegial relationship with the instructor, explore other alternatives, and seek first support in a discreet fashion.

Adult learners often have a tendency to harbour a disfavour towards theoretical concepts, instead favouring practical knowledge that can be immediately applied to their professional pursuits. They often prioritise learning materials that enhance their skill set, streamline their work processes, and bolster their self-assurance. Therefore, it is imperative to develop a training programme that addresses the individual needs of employees and incorporates valuable knowledge. Adult individuals often possess a cognitive orientation that exhibits a reduced inclination towards embracing novel concepts, thereby rendering them more inclined to exhibit resistance towards change. Adults develop their beliefs about the world through the accumulation of life experience over an extended period of time. This phenomenon can lead to inflexibility and a diminished inclination to explore other approaches and suggestions for enhancing current methodologies. Hence, it falls upon the trainers and facilitators to elucidate the rationale behind the transition, provide novel concepts that can be interconnected with preexisting notions, and foster an environment that encourages participants to engage in exploration.

Adult individuals often exhibit a proclivity to establish connections between their past experiences and novel information, subsequently evaluating new concepts through the lens of prior knowledge. This inclination can be attributed to their greater lifespan, broader exposure, and increased accumulation of life events in comparison to youngsters. Consequently, it is of utmost significance to foster dialogue and knowledge exchange, while concurrently cultivating an educational environment that facilitates substantive discourse among participants. Adult learners face numerous responsibilities, such as employment and familial obligations, which significantly impact their daily lives. As a consequence, the task of allocating time for personal educational pursuits has become progressively more difficult for individuals. If an individual’s life is already characterised by a high level of activity and busyness, it is likely that the quality of their education will be negatively impacted. When planning training sessions, it is advisable to consider these factors and design adaptable programmes, accommodate busy schedules, and acknowledge the potential for other responsibilities to impact the learning experience.

Adult learners has ambitious aspirations for their educational pursuits due to their profound appreciation for the value of time. The individual has a desire to acquire knowledge that is immediately applicable to their professional endeavours. Consequently, it is advisable to provide instruction on subjects that align with their immediate work-related needs. The individuals have a strong desire to refrain from wasting their time. Therefore, it is imperative to develop a curriculum that optimises their abilities, addresses their unique needs, and effectively manages any challenges that may arise throughout the educational journey.  

Leadership Presence

Leadership presence encompasses several key elements, including the capacity to assert authority within a given space, assume a leadership position among diverse groups, articulate thoughts and opinions with assurance, and maintain a harmonious equilibrium between speaking and listening. This communication style, characterised by persuasiveness and influence, constitutes the fundamental constituents of leadership presence. One other determinant contributing to the establishment of leadership presence is the individual’s degree of professionalism, alongside their ability to exhibit composure and refinement in their demeanour.

Is it the individual who exhibits the highest volume of speech and engages in the greatest self-aggrandizement within a given space? Negative. There exists a potential correlation between an individual’s chattiness and the level of attention they receive. However, it is important to note that this approach may eventually become burdensome and, in the worst-case scenario, result in a decline of interest from others about one’s discourse.

One of the most challenging abilities to cultivate in leadership presence, as observed through our extensive experience in coaching and developing leaders across all backgrounds, is the capacity to effectively navigate the interplay between active communication and receptive observation. This has proven to be one of the most formidable components of our work. The individuals that predominantly exhibit either talkative or attentive behaviour are the ones that are most frequently observed.

A leader who demonstrates exceptional presence must possess the ability to accomplish the following: In order to effectively engage with their audience, speakers should modify their energy level, tempo, and requirements to align with the preferences and expectations of their listeners. For example, a leader must possess the ability to enhance the level of engagement within a less active group, exhibit a higher propensity for speaking rather than listening, and effectively steer the course of the conversation. Conversely, a leader overseeing a group characterised by heightened engagement and enthusiasm must prioritise the activities of observation and facilitation. One should possess the ability to quickly assess the dynamics of a given environment and exhibit a corresponding level of situational awareness. In order to effectively exert influence, it is imperative to remain abreast of the ongoing conversation and stay up to speed with the latest developments. This will enable one to discern and implement the most optimal plan. This necessitates rapid cognitive processing and the capacity to interpret both verbal and nonverbal cues.

The aforementioned array of skills is quite comprehensive, and as anticipated, achieving proficiency in each of them is a challenging endeavour. By consciously attending to and effectively utilising nonverbal communication cues, individuals have the potential to develop and enhance their self-assurance and self-control. Body language possesses the capacity to not only shape external perceptions of individuals but also impact their internal physiological processes.

Hence, a recommended approach for augmenting our influence is to engage in power poses immediately prior to participating in a consequential meeting or delivering a pivotal presentation. Please provide a list of explanations that can help elucidate the reasons behind their robust presence, and then contemplate potential ways to adopt some elements of their style. This will facilitate comprehension regarding the reasons behind their significant influence. Often, a valuable catalyst for the enhancement of our personal capacities is the presence of a commendable exemplar or mentor to emulate.

The final phase entails evaluating the efficacy of the identified tactics for enhancing one’s appearance by incorporating one’s unique personal style. Select a reputable colleague who possesses the capability to notice your actions during significant leadership instances and extend them the chance to fulfil this role. Following each of these instances, it is advisable to arrange a designated meeting time with the individuals involved in order to conduct a debriefing session. During this session, it is recommended to solicit their feedback and perspectives on the appropriate course of action to be taken in relation to the given circumstance. What are some areas in which you demonstrate exceptional proficiency? In which areas do you believe additional modifications and advancements may be made? In addition, it is worth mentioning that establishing a trustworthy connection can be effectively facilitated by establishing a context wherein both parties have the opportunity to derive benefits from the interaction. For instance, one could inquire about how they can contribute to the other person’s personal development by offering support as a sounding board or supplier of feedback.